DottyStripes Blog

Spring boy’s room ideas…

The Spring is definitely here. Well… for now at least. But as I hope it will only get warmer from now on I am looking on the bright side and seeing more and more yellow and fresh juicy green appearing outside.  With that thought I set myself on a little mission to find some spring-related boys room ideas..

Althought I am not toally adverse to “boys’ blues” and girls’ pinks” I certainly personally like to find something different and even leaning more towards being gender-neutral. This time with spring firmly on my mind, I was looking for green-theme ideas for modern boys’ bedrooms with a dash of yellow for happiness, if possible.

Here are my top 5 modern spring green bedrooms:

#1 Clean, fresh with practical storage space, which also is a great wall feature not to mention this large window!

Green boys room ideas

Image source: boys green bedrooms

#2 You defnitely cannot miss those giant lego blocks. They must be both quite fun to play with but also can be used as furniture.


Image source:


#3 Black & white is “evergreen”, needless to say, and with a dash of lime green the whole space feels more cheerful and funky. Great teenager’s den.

modern green boys rooms ideas


#4 This one combines different shades of greens and creams. Classy.


teenagers' green modern bedrooms

Image source:

#5  is definitely my favourite one. I like how the bright lime green works with more earty olive green and dark brown. Bold colours and simple shapes create this very clean and modern looking bedroom. Hmm..I think this will be a perfect inspiration for a curtain design…watch the space!