Saturday Spotlight – Boys rooms-simplicity at its finest

One of our lovely clients has recently invited us into her home to take a sneaky peek at the personalised bedding we have made for her boys. Take a look for yourself…
The mum of two boys, Antos and his younger brother Jas, has a definite taste for simplicity in her very stylish and meticulously created home. Steering clear of traditional boys’ bedding designs full of cars, rockets and dominating blue, we have made a very simple yet child-friendly design with the boys’ intials “A” and “J” using the natual oatmeal colour of pure linen combined with the warmer earthy colour of our organic cotton.
Those colours will work great as a background for the colourful toys and accessories, just like all these little dogs and teddies in the teepee, that tend to fill a child’s space.
Antos and little Jas – we wish you both lots of cosy nights full of colourful dreams…
Photocredit-DottyStripes. Thank you to the mum of Antos and Jas.